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Walmart Sam’s Choice Frozen Pizza

So I tried a Sam’s choice frozen pizza. If you’re uncertain about how a private label store brand’s pizzas taste then look no further. Any future Sam’s choice pizzas that I eat will be added to this list. Rising Crust Chicken Bacon Ranch Sauce...

Marvel What if…? Episode 6 Review

Episode 6 : What If… Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark? I didn’t really like this episode. This one felt like another tease like the previous episode. The story felt interesting but I was unsatisfied with the ending. Episode 2: What If… T’Challa Became a...

Marvel What if…? Episode 5 Review

Episode 5: What If… Zombies?! This episode was alright. It felt a little fast and had a lot going on. The idea is interesting and I definitely think that this episode could’ve been better if it used a different moment in the timeline. Episode 2: What If…...

Candyman 2021 Review

This movie is trash. Don’t see it. I should’ve walked out when I had the chance. The only thing that was alright were the little puppet animations. Other than that this movie was terrible. I’ve never seen the original and from what I’ve heard...

Marvel What if…? Episode 4 Review

Episode 4: What If… Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands? Wow. This episode was great. This is now my second favorite episode so far. Right now I’d rank the episodes in this order: Episode 2: What If… T’Challa Became a Star-Lord?Episode 4: What If…...