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Everything Everywhere All at Once Review

Everything Everywhere All at Once Review

Expectations I had high expectations coming in to see this movie. I heard a lot of great things about it and was excited to finally see a good movie come on the big screen again. I am happy to say that this film didn’t disappoint. I went into it without doing...
Breaking Bad and Dog Short Film References

Breaking Bad and Dog Short Film References

I’ve recently been rewatching Breaking Bad. You can watch Breaking Bad on Netflix: During Season 2 Episode 6, Peekabo, a scene reminded me of a short film I watched in high school called Dog, directed by Suzie Templeton....

Marvel What if…? Episode 9 Review

Episode 9: What If… The Watcher Broke His Oath? I found the finale kind of disappointing. Things felt a little inconsistent and I thought the conclusion would’ve been more interesting. Overall it’s still a good episode and I rank it as my second favorite....

Marvel What if…? Episode 8 Review

Episode 8: What If… Ultron Won? I really enjoyed this episode. This is my new favorite. It ties together the series nicely. The watcher is making some big moves in this one and we really get to see how bad Ultron can be. Here’s my new episode rankings:...

Marvel What if…? Episode 7 Review

Episode 7: What If… Thor Were an Only Child? This episode was a trip. It was a great break from the seriousness of the other episodes. It had a lot of great comedy and action moments. I found myself really enjoying this episode. I’m placing this episode as my...