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I recently received my Georgi keyboard.

Here’s the product page:

This is a really different kind of keyboard. I was researching typing speeds and stuff and came across Stenography. The open steno project can probably explain it better than me: . The TLDR: people can type up to 200+ wpm with these special keyboards. It’s like shorthand but for keyboards.

I thought it would be cool to try it so I picked up a board. I ordered it in June and just received it a few days ago. The person selling them ran into some life problems so it took a little longer. Life happens. But I finally got it! I was super excited to try it out.

I first went to set it up and I noticed I didn’t have the right TRRS cable. I had one that didn’t have the same amount of rings.

So I got a new cable from amazon:

I also picked up a braided mini USB cable for the extra style:

Then finally once I received those I could start using this keyboard.

I’m following this Unboxing article they have on their site: Unboxing Georgi – .

The pictures on that site help a ton. I’m struggling with the QWERTY layout still. I want to get proficient with that before moving on to any kind of steno practice.

First typing tests

So on the first day of using this board, I was able to get around 30 wpm with the QWERTY layout by the end of the day. The QWERTY skills don’t translate as well as I’d thought with this board. To type the keys on the home row you have to press both keys so it is a little confusing when you first start using it. I can get around 100 wpm with a normal keyboard so I’m interested in seeing how long it will take to reach those speeds on this board.

This may just be my laptop but I noticed that there seems to be a little bit of input delay. Another problem is that I notice the board slides on my desk a bit. Probably should place a towel down or some kind of mat. I also don’t like that there isn’t a home row bump. On most keyboards, there’s a little mark on the home row keys f and j so you know that your fingers are on the home row. This board doesn’t have that.

Overall It’s been pretty fun using this board. There’s a lot you can do with it.