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Tried out Delorenzo's The Burg Pizza for Pizza Friday. Service was great here. The Menu The menu here is pretty Read more
Tried Valley Pizza this Friday. Got a large chicken parm pizza. Pie was alright. Chicken was bite sized chunks and Read more
Pizza Friday. Got a large chicken parm pizza. The sauce here is sweeter than average. I think it's pretty good. Read more
Anotha Friday anotha pizza spot. Tried A&S pizza. Got a large chicken parm pizza. This thing is loaded with sauce. Read more
Tried Croydon Pizza for this pizza Friday. Got a large chicken parm pie. This felt like a cheese dominant pizza. Read more
Got a large chicken Parm pizza. This pie was on point. Definitely one of the best I've had. There was Read more
Happy pizza Friday. Tried out Camila's Pizzeria III Trevose - Got a chicken Parm pizza. Pizza had a good thickness Read more
Got a chicken Parm pizza. It's a little better than average. Pizza tastes good. Had some nice bites of cheese. Read more
Got a chicken Parm pizza. This was a great pie. Definitely a top contender. Reminds me of Yordanas but no Read more
Got a chicken Parm pizza. This is a good pie. It felt heavier on the sauce. Sauce has decent flavor. Read more